• Reading an Old Anti-War Book for Our New Anti-War Moment

    Reading an Old Anti-War Book for Our New Anti-War Moment

    Much has been made of how our current political moment feels like the Iraq War era. When leftists mention this, they usually are referring to the vibe of centrist and neoliberal media discourse, which since October 2023 has veered sharply between an apoplectic, war-mongering “anti-terrorism” tone when reporting Hamas’s offenses and a confused, “still looking…

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  • We Can All Be Housed

    We Can All Be Housed

    Originally published online with the Sahan Journal, December 7, 2023 By restoring rent stabilization and putting the right to housing above the right to profit, we can transform our cities. If you live in Saint Paul like me, you may be familiar with the powerful rent stabilization law we passed in November 2021. Minneapolis and…

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  • Update from Brainerd Lakes Area DSA on UFCW Strike in Crow Wing County

    Update from Brainerd Lakes Area DSA on UFCW Strike in Crow Wing County

    The following short piece is taken with permission from the email newsletter of BLA/DSA:  Brainerd Area Grocery Updates This past weekend, workers at the five unionized grocery stores in Crow Wing County went on a three-day ULP strike in order to push for a fair contract. It was an incredible showcase of labor militancy, with…

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  • Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #120: December General Meeting Recap, Defending Camp Nenookaasi, Organizing for the Future, and More!

    Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #120: December General Meeting Recap, Defending Camp Nenookaasi, Organizing for the Future, and More!

    Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Little Red Letter #120 December General Meeting Recap, Defending Camp Nenookaasi, Organizing for the Future, and More! Last issue we said the snow and cold had arrived. That’s been hard to tell over the last week, and we’re getting to a point where that’s a little unsettling. Either way,…

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  • Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #119: The Snow and Cold are Here, But the Organizing Doesn’t Stop

    Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #119: The Snow and Cold are Here, But the Organizing Doesn’t Stop

    Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Little Red Letter #119 The Snow and Cold are Here, But the Organizing Doesn’t Stop Readers, it has been a quieter couple weeks for the chapter, and a shorter newsletter today. We hope you have all been able to take time to be with your friends and loved ones.…

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  • A Turning Point for Workers

    A Turning Point for Workers

    In 1934, Minneapolis truckers and warehouse workers went on strike. They took the boss class to the mat and pinned them, scoring a massive victory for workers in a city that, up until then, had been known as a bastion for anti-union employers. In Toledo, Ohio workers at the Auto-Lite factory won a strike after…

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  • Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #118: Election Day 2023, Rallying for Peace and Justice, Labor Heat in the Frozen North, Taking Time to Rest, and More!

    Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #118: Election Day 2023, Rallying for Peace and Justice, Labor Heat in the Frozen North, Taking Time to Rest, and More!

    Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Little Red Letter #118 Election Day 2023, Rallying for Peace and Justice, Labor Heat in the Frozen North, Taking Time to Rest, and More! Readers, we have a lot to cover since the last edition, from election results, protests for peace and environmental justice, members on the doors to…

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  • Elite Capture and Corporate Antiracism

    Elite Capture and Corporate Antiracism

    (Inspired by “Elite Capture in the Real World of Class Struggle” by Kip H, TCDSA Blog 10/20/23) Kip’s well-written blog post answered a question I’ve had for four years: What is wrong with corporate antiracism? As often happens with someone who has ADHD, the answer was in plain sight. Cooptation (now called elite capture.) And…

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  • 2023 Elections – How we did, how MN did, how the US did

    2023 Elections – How we did, how MN did, how the US did

    Twin Cities DSA endorsees Twin Cities DSA endorsed seven candidates this year: five were running for city council seats in Minneapolis, and two for city council seats in Saint Paul. We had an 80% win rate in Minneapolis and a 100% in Saint Paul. The one loss, heartbreakingly close, was also the only one running…

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  • Twin Cites DSA Little Red Letter #117: Ceasefire Now, UAW Tentative Agreements, HERC’s Future, and The Choice This Election Day

    Twin Cites DSA Little Red Letter #117: Ceasefire Now, UAW Tentative Agreements, HERC’s Future, and The Choice This Election Day

    Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Little Red Letter #117 Ceasefire Now, UAW Tentative Agreements, HERC’s Future, and The Choice This Election Day Readers, it has been a wearying month. The latest tragedies as a result of the Palestinian occupation have seen the conflict escalate drastically. By the time you read this there will likely…

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  • Camp Nenookaasi Ikwe Healing Camp: A Local Site of Resistance

    Camp Nenookaasi Ikwe Healing Camp: A Local Site of Resistance

    Palestine has been in the news lately, and this has had me thinking a lot about the connection between Indigenous peoples around the world and the local violence that happens when encampments get swept by the city of Minneapolis and the Israeli trained MPD. For those passionate about anti-colonial struggle we have the opportunity to…

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  • Revolutionary Optimism: Building Hope through Art

    Revolutionary Optimism: Building Hope through Art

    I know I’m not the only one who finds things hopeless sometimes. Most of the people I know are much worse off economically than we were three years ago, even if the stock market just keeps soaring. Unionization is skyrocketing but getting a job that pays decently seems harder than ever. Mass extinction and natural…

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2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 UMN Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA