United Auto Workers (UAW)

  • Labor Notes 2024 – Watching History Be Made

    Labor Notes 2024 – Watching History Be Made

    One of the best moments of the Labor Notes weekend was what didn’t happen: Sean Fain couldn’t give his talk at the Friday night panel because he was busy overseeing the UAW victory at the Volkswagen facility in Tennessee, bringing 4,000 more workers into the union (though he did knock it out of the park…

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  • Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #115: Convention Time Is Here, Rethinking I-94, Election Day Coming Up Fast, A Hot Labor Fall, And More!

    Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #115: Convention Time Is Here, Rethinking I-94, Election Day Coming Up Fast, A Hot Labor Fall, And More!

    Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Little Red Letter #115 Convention Time Is Here, Rethinking I-94, Election Day Coming Up Fast, A Hot Labor Fall, And More! The 2023 Annual Chapter Convention is upon us! Join us for the chapter’s first ever two-day chapter convention on Saturday, September 30 at 2:00PM on Zoom or at…

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  • Class Struggle Making A Great Leap Forward

    Class Struggle Making A Great Leap Forward

    The UAW strike entered its second week. Strikes, like wars, once they start nobody knows how they will end. So far president Biden is against the ropes, after being called to walk the picket line with UAW, which he is now doing. The strike has a national impact. The companies blame the transition to electric…

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  • The Power of Solidarity

    The Power of Solidarity

    Momentum behind labor organizing and militancy is rapidly accelerating in 2023, as workers all across the USA organize new union shops, fight bolder fights on the job, demand more from their employers in contract negotiations, and engage in strikes and other forms of collective action. From auto-workers to baristas, from logistics-workers to entertainment workers, the…

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  • Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #114: Camaraderie At The Close Of Summer, The Twin Cities DSA Annual Convention, UAW Fights For The Future We Need, and More!

    Twin Cities DSA Little Red Letter #114: Camaraderie At The Close Of Summer, The Twin Cities DSA Annual Convention, UAW Fights For The Future We Need, and More!

    Twin CitiesDemocratic Socialists of America Little Red Letter #114 Camaraderie At The Close Of Summer, The Twin Cities DSA Annual Convention, UAW Fights For The Future We Need, and More! Readers, September is here and there is the sense of fall approaching and summer winding down. This time of year provides a good period for…

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  • UAW Fights For The Future We Need

    UAW Fights For The Future We Need

    Union workers at the Big 3 Automakers in the USA (General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis) are preparing for a potential strike on September 14, 2023 when their collective bargaining agreements are set to simultaneously expire. Workers at all three companies are represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW) which recently elected a new, rank-and-file, member-democracy-oriented…

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2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 UMN Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA