Logo Redesign / T-shirt Design Contest
Twin Cities DSA is seeking submissions for a redesigned logo as well as a new t-shirt design. The contest will run from now until July 8th. Submissions can be emailed to chairs@twincitiesdsa.org in any image format. There’s no limit to the number of submissions one person can make, and you certainly don’t need to enter…
Upcoming events 1.10.2022-1.17.2022
The days are getting longer, and there is plenty to do over the next week! For all TCDSA events and meetings, check out our calendar. Rally for Strong Rent Control in Mpls! Monday, 1.10.2022, 10:45am Join our coalition partners at MURC as we show the new City Council that we demand a strong rent control…
November 2021 Membership Meeting
Join Twin Cities DSA for our November 2021 General Membership Meeting! Date: November 16, 2021 Time: 6:30pm to 8:15pm Register for the Zoom call here Meeting packet with agenda Please email operations@twincitiesdsa.org for any questions you may have.
TCDSA Socialist Feminist Branch Bylaws
Participation A branch member is a current Twin Cities DSA member (with dues paid to DSA National, or within the one-year grace period for dues payment) who affirms their intent to be an active branch member in a poll conducted periodically by the chairs. (Timing of the poll is at the chairs’ discretion.) Branch members…
Endorsement meeting details
Twin Cities DSA is holding a special endorsement meeting on July 29, 2018 to endorse candidates for elected office. For special accommodations, please contact: socialsecretary@twincitiesdsa.org. Details: Date: July 29, 2018 Check in: 12:30pm Event time: 1pm – 5pm (with 30 minute break) Location: North Regional Library Facebook link Voting During the meeting, anyone who is…
Special Meeting Notice and Call for YDSA Beds
Special Endorsement Meeting Announcement Due to the enormous interest around DSA over the last several weeks, we are holding a meeting to endorse candidates for elected office held the afternoon of July 29th at the North Regional Library! Check in starts at 12:30 and the meeting begins at 1:00. This is a General Meeting to which all…
Send Our Delegates To Chi-Town, Score Some Limited Edition Swag For You
What could possibly be better than sending TCDSA Delegates to Chicago? Why, limited edition swag, of course! With your donation of $35 or more to the TCDSA Delegate Fundraiser, you can request a limited edition TCDSA “Socialism? You Betcha!” featuring the lovely North Star State covered in red roses (as is right and proper, dontcha…
2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Department Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA