Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!

Logo Redesign / T-shirt Design Contest





Twin Cities DSA is seeking submissions for a redesigned logo as well as a new t-shirt design. The contest will run from now until July 8th. Submissions can be emailed to chairs@twincitiesdsa.org in any image format. There’s no limit to the number of submissions one person can make, and you certainly don’t need to enter designs for both. If we receive a high volume of submissions or have concerns regarding specific submissions (copyright infringement, niche humor, inappropriate subject matter)  the steering committee may choose to advance only some of the designs for chapter consideration. The designs will be presented at the July 11th General Meeting, with online voting among chapter members to follow. If your design is selected, you agree to give the rights to TCDSA own, use, and reproduce the design for our uses as a chapter.

The creator of each chosen design (one for the logo, and one for the t-shirt) will receive $150 and a free t-shirt.

Please consider the following as you think of designs:


  • Easily identifiable, even at a small size
  • The DSA style guide is helpful for information on color and font
  • Looks sharp on a candidate website, social media avatar, pint glass, patch, etc.
  • Lets folks know who we are (DSA, and in the Twin Cities)
  • Makes a person want to learn more about TCDSA
  • Should probably be circular or square in shape
  • Doesn’t use fonts or assets that require a commercial license to use
  • Bonus points if it works in something vector based, but don’t sweat it if you don’t know what that means


  • Something you would actually wear in public
  • Something that a lot of our members would be interested in purchasing
  • It might celebrate DSA, Socialism, or highlight our political commitments in a way that could start a conversation at a protest or the park
  • Feel free to get fun with it, or make it look cool as heck
  • No restrictions on t-shirt color — feel free to mock it up and we’ll order to make it work