Call for Art for Recruitment Posters and Stickers




Twin Cities DSA is seeking submissions for art for both chapter recruitment posters and chapter stickers. The theme is: Building a multiracial worker-powered socialist future. The submission window will run from now until 11:59PM on Sunday May 21st. Submissions can be emailed to in any image format.

You may submit designs that incorporate text but please ensure that all submissions contain at least one copy that has just the art so that future custom text may be transposed over the design. There’s no limit to the number of submissions one person can make, and you certainly don’t need to enter designs for both. If we receive a high volume of submissions or have concerns regarding specific submissions (copyright infringement, niche humor, inappropriate subject matter)  the communications committee reserves the right to not select all submissions. The designs will be reviewed by the Communications Committee following the closing of the submission window, with notifications sent to the creators of each selected design. If your design is selected, you agree to give the rights to TCDSA to own, use, and reproduce the design for our uses as a chapter.

Please consider the following as you think of designs:


  • Is in the spirit of the theme of “Building a multiracial worker-powered socialist future”
  • Feel free to get fun with it, or make it look cool as heck
  • Lets folks know who we are (DSA, and in the Twin Cities)
  • Makes a person want to learn more about TCDSA
  • Should fit nicely on a standard 11×17 printed poster
  • Doesn’t use assets that require a commercial license to use
  • Looks sharp in both printed form or posted on our social media


  • Is in the spirit of the theme of “Building a multiracial worker-powered socialist future”
  • Feel free to get fun with it, or make it look cool as heck
  • Easily identifiable, even at a small size
  • Should probably be circular or square in shape
  • Makes a person want to learn more about TCDSA

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