Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!

Special Meeting Notice and Call for YDSA Beds




Special Endorsement Meeting Announcement

Due to the enormous interest around DSA over the last several weeks, we are holding a meeting to endorse candidates for elected office held the afternoon of July 29th at the North Regional Library! Check in starts at 12:30 and the meeting begins at 1:00. This is a General Meeting to which all members of Twin Cities DSA are invited. Please come out for debate, discussion, and voting with and about several candidates for public office! If you are interested in assisting with setting up this event or have questions, please contact the Electoral Branch Chair at electionguide@twincitiesdsa.org.

If you need a ride to the meeting or can offer a ride, please click here to sign up for carpooling. If you require childcare during the meeting, please contact Debra. For special accommodations, please contact:

Hosting Young DSA Organizers Coming to Minneapolis

This August, The National Young Democratic Socialists (YDSA) convention will be held right here in Minneapolis at the University of Minnesota campus. Young people from across the nation will be traveling to Minnesota to advance their organizing in colleges, schools, and in their communities. We here in Twin Cities DSA have a huge role to play in making this possible. We need your help in housing our young comrades who are traveling to the cities for the convention. Housing is needed between Thursday, August 2nd and Sunday August 5th. You don’t need to be available for all four nights to host, nor do we need five star accommodations — a couch or air bed will do just fine.

We also need volunteers at the conference on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (August 3rd-5th) to help with everything from sign-in and marshaling to ASL interpretation. Even a couple of hours will help us make the conference a success, and no prior experience is necessary.

With only a few weeks to go, we still have a large need for more hosts and volunteers. Please sign up as you are able!

Any questions can be referred to iringgenberg@twincitiesdsa.org.

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