TCDSA COVID-19 Response: Live Media Conference
The Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America (TCDSA) responds to the Walz-Flanagan administration’s unscientific and reckless decision to reopen the state with a press conference highlighting stories from impacted Minnesotans. Following the Governor’s lifting of the stay-at-home order on May17, 2020, essential workers and other vulnerable Minnesotans on the frontlines face a difficult choice: covering…
This is not the working people’s reopening
Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Respond to the Walz/Flanagan Administration’s Business-First Reopening of the State I just don’t think there’s anything I can do, that can be done. We’ve been sold out. Minnesota Nurse Last week, Governor Tim Walz announced that Minnesota will begin reopening on May 18th with a full reopening of the…
Grievance Committee Update
Since members were elected at the November 2019 general meeting, the eight folks who comprise the Twin Cities DSA Grievance Committee have been hard at work assessing current issues and envisioning what the Grievance Committee could be. We meet on a monthly basis to discuss new grievances and concerns within the chapter, review past grievance…
Solidarity and Support for the Venezuelan People
Venezuela, by most estimates, has the world’s largest proven reserves of petroleum on the planet. Such immense oil wealth should mean that it has one of the highest standards of living on the planet and the capacity to transition toward a green economy. That would be the ideal, but is far from reality in Venezuela.…
#FreeThemAll #NoCages
Twin Cities DSA sprang into action on many issues that came to the surface as the COVID-19 pandemic began and Minnesota declared a state of emergency. Comrades active in the NoCages coalition and on the #antiicemobilization channel in Slack took part in an innovative Car Sit-in demonstration on Friday, March 27, at the MN Governor’s…
Endorsed Candidate Profile: Omar Fateh for MN62 Senator
Omar Fateh is a Twin Cities DSA member running for the Minnesota Senate in District 62. Fateh is the son of hard-working immigrants from Somalia. They instilled in him the values of leadership and personal sacrifice, while raising him to work first and foremost to increase opportunity, justice, and equity for our community. Having worked…
MASE Solidarity Fund
This month, the phrase “mutual aid” entered the lexicon of the American mainstream. The term, which refers to the sharing of resources among communities of people, wasn’t a new one for Twin Cities DSA – our Mutual Aid/Solidarity Economy (MASE) working group has been around for three years, and while for the most part we’ve…
Met Council/ Phone Zap
The bus drivers of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005 have been keeping our public transit system working, yet they are putting themselves at serious risk of contracting COVID-19. For their safety, ATU Local 1005 has been pushing for suspending fare collection and having passengers enter through rear doors. This past Tuesday, TC DSA’s Labor Branch…
TCDSA Responds to Governor Walz Enacting Eviction Moratorium
March 23, 2020 Ever since a peacetime state of emergency was declared amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Minnesotans have been calling for a statewide eviction moratorium. Last week, hundreds of people made thousands of calls to the Walz Administration demanding that they take emergency action to guarantee healthcare, economic and social security, and safety amid this…
TCDSA Statement on Minnesota Emergency Response to COVID-19
MARCH 20, 2020 Minnesota residents are in the middle of an unprecedented public health crisis. With each passing day, people become more terrified, wondering if they will be evicted from their homes because they can’t pay rent, unable to provide for their loved ones due to layoffs and small business closures, or forced to risk exposure…
Education roundup: MPS has many balls in the air; meanwhile Saint Paul teachers may be on the verge of a strike
Editor’s note: A version of this column appears in the March 2 edition of Southside Pride. Whew! I hardly know where to start. On March 10th, a coalition of pissed-off parents is going to march to demand Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) go back to the drawing board on their Comprehensive District Design (CDD) and this…
Twin Cities DSA and friends protest Line 3, call out fossil fuel industry for buying political influence
On February 26, 2020, members of Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America, Northfield Against Line 3, and other allies from the Movement to Stop Line 3 gathered in downtown Minneapolis at the offices of Winthrop & Weinstine—one of Minnesota’s premier corporate law firms and lobby shops—to call out its relationship with Enbridge Energy, the company…
2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Department Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA