• Did you know that freelancers and authors have a union?

    Did you know that freelancers and authors have a union?

    Yes, it’s true. For decades, a nationwide union chapter, UAW Local 1981, has existed under its alternate name of the National Writers Union or NWU. This union fights for free speech, net neutrality, fair contracts between freelance writers and publishers, and other issues of interest to writers of all kinds. They also provide contract negotiation…

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  • Line 3 Update: One in the Win Column, and Upping Our Game Up North

    Line 3 Update: One in the Win Column, and Upping Our Game Up North

    The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency conceded to public pressure last week and denied Enbridge a water quality permit it needs to build the new Line 3 pipeline. This is a significant victory for water protectors, but not the end of the line. Enbridge is not going to stop pre-construction on this project and intends to…

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  • Keeping Up the Pressure on Concentration Camp Investors: A Tour of Corporate Shame and a Weekend of Action

    Keeping Up the Pressure on Concentration Camp Investors: A Tour of Corporate Shame and a Weekend of Action

    Concentration camps are big business. Minneapolis has no shortage of corporations profiting off human suffering and misery, as immigrants are targeted at the border and throughout the country. Locally, TCDSA members have helped launch a campaign against Thrivent, a local “ethical” investment bank that invests in Core Civic and GEO Group, the two main companies…

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  • No Trump in Our City

    No Trump in Our City

    Trump wants to win Minnesota, and he’s coming to lead a rally of his bigoted supporters in downtown Minneapolis on Thursday, October 10, to prove he can. Let’s show him that this state wants nothing to do with him or the Republican party. Bring your best signs about the rights of migrants and refugees, women,…

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  • The Fight For 15 At MSP Airport

    The Fight For 15 At MSP Airport

    In early 2015 a fight was raging at the airport between workers on the one side and large corporations and their political supporters on the other over what the minimum wage would be for airport workers. Ultimately, workers were only able to wrest one dollar per hour above the Minnesota state minimum wage ($9.65) from…

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  • Twin Cities Democratic Socialists Deepen Commitment to Indigenous-led Efforts to Stop Tar Sands Pipeline

    Twin Cities Democratic Socialists Deepen Commitment to Indigenous-led Efforts to Stop Tar Sands Pipeline

    Hey there! Our September 16 newsletter was published with the wrong link! If you are looking for the Fight For 15 article, click here: The Fight For 15 At MSP Airport This month, chapter members joined activists from around the world at a movement camp and a direct action targeting the pipeline operator Enbridge in…

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  • Convention is fast approaching!

    Convention is fast approaching!

    We meet as comrades several times a year. The September convention is the most significant of these meetings because we elect our those who will lead us until next September. This year a co-chair, recording secretary, tech ops coordinator, treasurer, and political education coordinator are up for election. We will also debate and vote on…

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  • Convention reportback: Nic R.

    Convention reportback: Nic R.

    DSA Is In It For the Long Haul By Nic Raymond I couldn’t wait to get to convention this year. Attending the 2017 DSA convention in Chicago as a greenhorn organizer largely unaware of the internal political debates of the organization was eye opening. Arguments and disagreements largely went over my head, and I voted…

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  • Convention reportback: Anders B.

    Convention reportback: Anders B.

    “Where do correct ideas come from? Do they drop from the skies? No. Are they innate in the mind? No. They come from social practice, and from it alone…” Over the four day weekend biennial National DSA convention, as the largest US-based socialist organization in over half a century sketched out bold plans for how…

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  • Convention reportback: Tracy W.

    Convention reportback: Tracy W.

    As a delegate to the convention, there were a lot of resolutions brought to the floor that I was proud to support. One of those resolutions, which took a complicated path to the convention floor, is Resolution 53, DSA Supports Decriminalization of Sex Work. Because TCDSA passed its own resolution affirming solidarity with sex workers…

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  • Steering Committee Elections!

    Steering Committee Elections!

    It’s that time of year again, comrades: the September convention is just under a month away (September 21st!), and that means it’s time to start considering whether you are the right person to run for leadership as co-chair, grievance process advocate(s), political education coordinator, recording secretary, treasurer, or technology coordinator. Don’t forget that in addition…

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  • Fun(d)raising for convention delegates exceeds expectations – and there’s even more!

    Fun(d)raising for convention delegates exceeds expectations – and there’s even more!

    Members of the budget / fundraising committee, under the able leadership of Treasurer Rob T., rose to the challenge of getting our delegates to the DSA Convention in Atlanta, August 2 through 4, 2019. Twin Cities DSA had an allocation of 22 delegates for the convention, and after a few dropped out for personal reasons,…

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2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 UMN Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA