Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!


  • Revolutionary Optimism: Building Hope through Art

    Revolutionary Optimism: Building Hope through Art

    I know I’m not the only one who finds things hopeless sometimes. Most of the people I know are much worse off economically than we were three years ago, even if the stock market just keeps soaring. Unionization is skyrocketing but getting a job that pays decently seems harder than ever. Mass extinction and natural…

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  • Elite Capture in the Real World of Class Struggle

    Elite Capture in the Real World of Class Struggle

    On October 6 Stellantis began asking its white collar workers to volunteer to cross UAW picket lines to work in distribution centers shipping parts to dealerships, with the call coming from the automaker’s top executives as well as its diversity and inclusion groups.  Stellantis is relying heavily on its business resource groups (BRGs) to spearhead…

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  • Staying Focused

    Staying Focused

    The 2023 convention was comradely and productive. I left feeling immensely moved and motivated – especially by the speeches given by the UAW and baggage handler workers. And just like a good meal, a good convention provokes thought. I’ve been mulling over the debate on some of our top ticket resolutions, True North 2.0 and…

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  • Class Struggle Making A Great Leap Forward

    Class Struggle Making A Great Leap Forward

    The UAW strike entered its second week. Strikes, like wars, once they start nobody knows how they will end. So far president Biden is against the ropes, after being called to walk the picket line with UAW, which he is now doing. The strike has a national impact. The companies blame the transition to electric…

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  • Is The 99% The Same As The Working Class

    Is The 99% The Same As The Working Class

    Within the 99% are millions that are part of the professional managerial class. Think upper, mid level and even lower level managers that identify heavily with the boss and whose income often depends on extracting more out of workers, keeping a union out or defending the boss’ interests in other ways. Also in the 99%,…

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  • Ruling Class Counter Attack

    Ruling Class Counter Attack

    I had an interesting conversation with a person who is very immersed in Minneapolis politics the other day. I’ll boil his pitch down to its bare essentials: He attacked TCDSA for our support of Soren Sorenson in his campaign to unseat Andrea Jenkins. He accused TCDSA, and me personally, of abandoning the fight for race…

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  • Brake Light Clinics 2023: A Recap & Analysis On TCDSA Mutual Aid

    Brake Light Clinics 2023: A Recap & Analysis On TCDSA Mutual Aid

    Recap: This July, myself and a group of comrades from the chapter’s Street Corps Working Group organized and carried out two Brake Light Clinics. These were hosted outside of the Minnesota Nurses Association and Minneapolis Federation of Teachers union offices who were generous enough to let us use their spaces. Brake Light Clinics are a…

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  • Long Hot Labor Summer

    Long Hot Labor Summer

    It is indeed shaping up for a long hot labor summer.

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  • Recognizing and Dismantling Internal Capitalist Realism

    Recognizing and Dismantling Internal Capitalist Realism

    What can you change in your world if nothing is changeable? You may hate what you do, where you are, and who you’ve become, but this hyper-individualist, addictively consumerist, at best dull and at worst agonizing 21st-century life path obscures all else. While the finances strangle us, let the mindlessness of it all blur together…

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  • The Democratic Party is a Capitalist Party

    The Democratic Party is a Capitalist Party

    “[The] Working Class doesn’t have its own political party”.  This phrase opened up Professor August Nimtz Jr.’s intriguing presentation to UMN YDSA and Twin Cities CDSA members on June 15 at the University of Minnesota’s (UMN) Folwell Hall. 

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  • Who in the world was István Mészáros, and why is he essential for 21st-century socialists?

    Who in the world was István Mészáros, and why is he essential for 21st-century socialists?

    A Political Education Snippet A book review of The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time by István Mészáros, Monthly Review Press Mészáros was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher who participated in the 1956 revolt against an autocratic Soviet-style state. He was exiled to Italy and then England, where he continued to teach, write and study Marxism.…

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  • Amidst Working Class Progress, the Ruling Class Strikes Back

    Amidst Working Class Progress, the Ruling Class Strikes Back

    It’s been kind of a wild ride. It started with Victor Martinez, Minneapolis Ward 5  candidate for city council, accusing Twin Cities DSA (TCDSA) of sabotaging the ward’s DFL convention. Next came the disruption of the Ward 10 DFL convention by city council candidate Nasri Warsame and his supporters. This made it impossible for the…

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2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Department Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA