Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!

Defund Police

  • No Reform, No Ideas, Just Spending

    No Reform, No Ideas, Just Spending

    On July 18th, 2024 the Minneapolis City Council voted 8 to 4 in favor of a massive 21% pay increase for the Minneapolis Police Department. Council Member Jamal Osman missed the vote but said he would have also voted in favor. Despite calls by critics, the contract does not reform the police except to grant…

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  • Electoral Committee Update on Minneapolis Campaigns

    Electoral Committee Update on Minneapolis Campaigns

    With only a few weeks until November 2nd, the mailers have been flying fast, door knockers are everywhere, and with everything from public safety to rent control on the ballot, let’s take a brief look at the candidates and ballot questions Twin Cities DSA has endorsed. (All of them happen to be in Minneapolis this…

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  • Everything You Need To Know About Our 2021 Endorsements

    Everything You Need To Know About Our 2021 Endorsements

    With massive support from membership, Twin Cities DSA has endorsed four candidates in the 2021 Minneapolis Elections. All candidates are committed to the chapter backed measures for a meaningful rent control policy and department of public safety, and understand that change will require a broad, multiracial working-class coalition to create a Minneapolis for all of…

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2023 Elections Aisha Chughtai Anti-imperialism Association of Flight Attendants Book review Ceasefire in Gaza Delta Delta Air Lines Democratic Party/DFL East Phillips Neighborhood Institute/EPNI East Phillips Urban Farm Electoral Committee Endorsements Environmental racism General Strike Three International Association of Machinists International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jason Chavez Labor MFT/ESP MFT59 Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Department Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) MN Governor Tim Walz Mutual aid Nelsie Yang Omar Fateh Political education Rent control Rent Stabilization Ordinance Robin Wonsley Roof Depot Soren Stevenson St. Paul Starbucks Starbucks Workers United TCDSA Teamsters UFCW 663 Ukraine invasion 2022 Union Organizing United Auto Workers (UAW) Unite HERE Local 17 YDSA