The work goes on, but we hope you have been able to take a moment to rest and refresh this time of year.
Do you remember everything that happened in 2022? Take a look back at the year as it comes to a close. Pick a section and read back on the events from 2022 and the perspectives of your comrades.
Coming Together, and the Work of the Chapter

What has the Electoral Committee been up to? – The Electoral Committee oversees the chapter endorsement process and campaigns for endorsed candidates. This process only happens because members make it happen. By Tim H, published 2/5/22
Solidarity Fund February 2022 Update – The Twin Cities DSA Mutual Aid and Solidarity Economy Working Group administers the Ezra Ishman Solidarity Fund, which puts money in the pockets of TCDSA members and their communities during times of need. By Matt M, published 2/6/22
Summary of First TCDSA Rent Control Action Hour – Comrades gathered on Saturday, March 5th to ground ourselves in the fights for rent control in St. Paul and Minneapolis, and acknowledge our well-funded opposition in the capitalist real estate lobby. By Jamie M, published 3/11/22
Abortion Fund-a-thon: A Recap – Abortion funds provide not only financial assistance for abortions to those who need it, but also financial and logistical assistance to those who need to travel for the procedure. Twin Cities DSA’s Socialist Feminist branch raised nearly $8000 for Minnesota abortion fund Our Justice this spring. By Diana W, published 5/12/22
Twin Cities DSA Comrades in Cars Getting Coffee Solidarity Sip-In Success! – Twin Cities DSA performed the first local Sip-In on Saturday, June 4th for organizing Starbucks workers to show that the community has their back. By Eric H, published 6/9/22
TCDSA hosts Ice Cream Socialism in Powderhorn Park – It was wonderful to meet with so many comrades out at Powderhorn Park! A special shoutout to all the new people who then joined TCDSA in the abortion rally and march Sunday. Published 7/16/22
Brake Light Clinic Recap – A quick recap of the most recent TCDSA brake light clinic from one of the organizers. By Shane M, published 8/19/22
Post-Election Debrief: Recentering After Two Years – Following two years of work under the current Electoral Committee, Twin Cities DSA members met to discuss the role of electoral campaigns in advancing TCDSA’s political vision. By Tim H, published 12/16/22
The Local Fight for Change

A Strike in Every School – What would a strike at every school in every neighborhood mean for workers in Minneapolis? By Dan T, published 1/1/22
The People Took Some Power – In 2020, Housing Equity Now St. Paul (HENS) launched what would become the Keep St. Paul Home (KSPH) campaign for residential rent control, placing a 3% annual rent increase limit on all residential rents in the city of St. Paul regardless of change of occupancy. By Robbie O and Brigitte T, published 2/5/22
TCDSA’s Response to Amir Locke’s Murder by the MPD – All of us in DSA are devastated by the killing of Amir Locke – yet another murder at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. While shocking, Amir’s death is the sadly predictable result of the continued existence of a violent and white-supremacist police force and a political establishment that relies on the legitimacy of police power. By Ian R, published 2/6/22
Historic Educators’ Strikes in the Twin Cities, 2022 and 1970 – In a coordinated effort, MFT59 and MFT59-ESP, representing teachers and other professionals in the Minneapolis Public Schools respectively, and SPFE (SPFT 28) representing both sections in Saint Paul Public Schools, filed “intent to strike” paperwork. By Deb R, published 3/10/22
East Phillips Urban Farm Update – Context for Minneapolis’ decision to move forward with demolition over the protests of community members, an update on developments, what comes next, and how to help. By Connor S, published 9/30/22
YDSA and the Teamsters Fight at the University of Minnesota – While the university leaves us with potentially decades of indebtedness, it extracts the physical, mental, and emotional energy from its workers. Students don’t need much convincing to stand in solidarity. By Jack B, published 10/28/22
A Surging Labor Movement – A march and rally, hosted by numerous unions and community groups to demand healthcare, fair wages, and workers rights at the airport. By Melanie W, published 12/16/22
Thoughts on Elections and TCDSA in Local Politics

Democratic Socialists in the DFL – The Story So Far – A little over a year ago, I heard of an effort to launch a Democratic Socialists Caucus in the DFL. By Deb R, published 1/1/22
2022 First-Round Endorsements – Endorsement of four candidates to bring the values of Democratic Socialism to the MN State Legislature. Published 1/24/22
Relating to the DFL – How and when to relate to the Democratic Party? It’s a vexing question, one that members of DSA spend a lot of time thinking about. By Kip H, published 2/3/22
2022 Midterm Elections: Twin Cities DSA Update – A talk about our endorsed candidates and what Twin Cities DSA did in the final month. By Tim H, published 7/16/22
Twin Cities DSA Statement on the 2022 Election – A disaster was averted because people recognize the danger we are in and demand action. Published 11/10/22
The Dangers Ahead – Reflecting on the results of the midterm election, the road ahead, and the questions we’re facing. By Kip H, published 11/18/22
The monster is back … – A perspective on the 2022 election results and the announcement that Donald Trump will run for President in 2024. By Carlos B, published 11/30/22
Looking Forward to 2023 Elections in Minneapolis & Saint Paul – Previewing the 2023 Municipal elections. By Luke M, published 11/30/22
Saint Paul Electoral Opportunities – The recent history of the fight for rent control in St. Paul, the developer fueled efforts to gut its implementation, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as many of the opponents of rent control decide they won’t seek re-election. By Steve T, published 12/16/22
The National Labor Resurgence

The Unionization of Everything and Other Seismic Shifts – It’s 1:30 pm on the last Sunday in January and I am watching and listening to a Zoom presentation coming from East Side Freedom Library. By Deb R, published 2/3/22
Why You Should Care About Logistics – An organization like DSA must be deeply involved in the labor struggles at UPS and Amazon. By Kip H, published 8/19/22
Labor Rebellion – The outlines and depth of a labor uprising are becoming clearer with everyday. It’s time for every person calling themselves a socialist to buckle up for the ride and move into action. By Kip H, published 9/16/22
Labor Notes Twin Cities Troublemakers School: Quick Thoughts – Three hundred plus nurses, Amazon workers, janitors, educators, school bus drivers and working class activists from every sector gathered for the Troublemakers School. By Kip H, published 10/14/22
Starbucks Workers Face Down A Hostile Company – In the midst of a national unionization campaign, Starbucks has been hitting their worker’s with firings, suspensions, constantly changing hours, store closures and safety infractions. By Kip H, published 10/28/22
We Need Some Rail Solidarity – The railroad workers of this country have been embroiled in a contract fight spanning the last three years, struggling to improve their material and working conditions, and they need our support. By Brooke B, published 11/30/22
Rail Industry Crisis – The chapter call with Railroad Worker’s United co-chair Ross Grooters on the deep structural problems with the nation’s rail system and the rally in support of the railroad worker’s fight. By Kip H, published 12/16/22
Member Writings, and the Fight for a Just World

Jacobins and Marxists : A Shared History – It started with wondering about two questions. 1. Why are the Jacobins called that? 2. Why is a Marxist 21st Century magazine about modern socialism called Jacobin? By Deb R, published 1/1/22
Anti-imperialism after the invasion of Ukraine – The Russian invasion of Ukraine has revealed broader weaknesses in the US left’s capacity for organizing around global issues. Currently, much of the US left is embroiled in debates over the war’s causes, who bears moral responsibility for the devastation, and the positions socialists should not be taking. By Anne M & Tracy B, published 3/11/22
Reparations, Landback, and Reconciliation – A Path Forward – How to bring justice, liberation and decolonialization to our state and nation? By Dave T, published 3/11/22
Health Justice and Reproductive Health Care – How current single-payer health bills relate to the fight for reproductive justice, and how to fight for it. By Linda FG, published 7/8/22
Labor Day, Anti-Racism, and the New Labor Movement – How should anti-racists celebrate Labor Day? Or rather, how is the labor movement related to the work we do in fighting for racial justice? By Cynthia S, published 9/2/22
Hard Travelin’ and Lightening the Load – A book review of “Woody Guthrie: An Intimate Life” by Gustavus Stadler. By Robbie O, published 11/30/22
West Side Community Organization Shows Us What Organizing Can Do – A report back from WSCO’s annual Meeting and reflections on community organizing and direct democracy. By David A, published 11/30/22
Reflections on Cannon Valley DSA – In light of the recent decision by Cannon Valley DSA to seek merger with Twin Cities DSA, reflections on Cannon Valley DSA history and the challenges they and other small chapters across the country face. Part 1, with more to come. By Revmira, Published 12/16/22
Giving Voice to Our Values

Twin Cities DSA Stands With Palestine – A resolution passed by Twin Cities DSA members in support of Palestinians. Published 3/31/22
With Inflation Crippling US Workers – What Is To Be Done? – A resolution passed by TCDSA Steering Committee for the DSA National Political Committee regarding the crushing inflation for the working class. Published 7/7/22
On the Direction for the Future of TCDSA – A resolution passed by Twin Cities DSA members at our 2022 Annual Convention. Published 7/24/22
In Support of Omar Fateh – A statement of support for Sen. Fateh from the TCDSA steering committee. Published 7/24/22
A Better World is Possible, Comrades – This post has been adapted from the convention speech given by outgoing co-chair Ian R. Published 9/16/22
Authors’ opinions may not reflect those of Twin Cities DSA.
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