Twin Cities
Democratic Socialists of America
Little Red Letter #121
Building a Brighter Future in 2024 and Every Year

Another year in the books, welcome to 2024 everyone. Not a long introduction today, we hope readers have had some opportunity the past few weeks to take some time for themselves. 2023 was not a quiet year, as we actively sought to involve ourselves in the struggle. Here’s just a small handful of examples, from a massive surge in labor actions, pressing for change in local government amidst conservative opposition, and fighting for real community empowerment as exemplified by Camp Nenookaasi and the Roof Depot campaign.

We also have a couple announcements to make. First off, we now have a chapter Google Drive. This allows us to share Google docs internally and keep them organized with more secure permissions. See the post for more details, members will be added using their membership email. You can also request access for a different account, or request to opt-out by emailing
In addition, we have a long awaited development that we are excited to announce. But not here. We’ll be making the announcement at this weekend’s New Year Social event at the Black Hart of Saint Paul Lounge Saturday, January 6 at 7p. Join us as we kick off 2024!
Lastly, there are immediate struggles that continue into 2024. Many of you will be aware that the City of Minneapolis had been planning to evict Camp Nenookaasi in mid-December. Following pressure from the community alongside city council-members, the immediate eviction threat was postponed. However, on December 29, a new notice was posted stating the camp would be evicted on January 4, this Thursday. Details on how to support the camp now and day of can be found here, and Minneapolis residents especially can contact City officials to demand they stop this eviction and enact real solutions to end the cycle of displacement and removal.

What Meaning Will We Give the New State Flag?
Flags, like any symbol, do not really have meaning crafted into them by default. From Shane M, a perspective on the opportunity to use our new flag to help build a narrative of a new and better Minnesota.
Originally published online with the Sahan Journal, David A explores a future of decommodified housing, both how we get there and why it is essential if we are to properly meets everyone’s fundamental needs.

Reading an Old Anti-War Book for Our New Anti-War Moment
Doug C reviews Noam Chomsky’s Hegemony or Survival, initially published in 2003, to understand how the political context has changed between the Bush era anti-war moment surrounding Iraq and Afghanistan and the current movement for Palestinian liberation.
The Problem With PACs and Non-Profits
From Kip H, a perspective on the impact that the funding and governance model of non-profits and political action committees, and the implications they have for democratic decision making and efforts to build build multi-racial working class power.

Towards a TCDSA Ready to Govern
From Shane M, a perspective on what a socialist Twin Cities could look like, and how our internal structures could develop to meet that vision.
Kip H shares an perspective from Pat Gores, a Delta Air Lines worker who has previously spoken at a chapter general meeting, about what the current organizing moment means for him and for essential workers in our society.

Update from Brainerd Lakes Area DSA on UFCW Strike in Crow Wing County
The following short piece is taken with permission from the email newsletter of BLA/DSA

- New Year Social – Saturday, 1/6, 7:00 – 10:00 PM – RSVP Here – Black Hart of Saint Paul Lounge, 1415 University Ave W
- RSVP Here:
Join Twin Cities DSA to kick off 2024! Come for fun, company, and to look forward to another big year for the chapter. We will also be making a special, long awaited announcement that members won’t want to miss! This event will be hosted in the Black Hart of Saint Paul Lounge, access it by going to the doorway at the far end of the main room.
Please Note: There is a separate event taking place in the main room starting at 8pm that is charging a cover. Anyone arriving after 8pm may be asked to pay this charge, but as long as you arrive before this you will not need to pay this charge.
- RSVP Here:

- 2024 Solidarity Table – Monday, 1/1 6:00pm – 7:00pm – CTUL, 3715 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis
- Environmental Justice Group (f/k/a East Phillips Urban Farm Group) – Monday, 1/1 7:00pm – 8:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The Environmental Justice group meets every other week on Monday at 7p. Right now we are focusing most on shutting down the HERC, supporting Camp Nenookaasi Ikwe in East Phillips, and are also helping with the Reimagining of I-94 and shutting down major polluters in East Phillips such as Smith Foundry. Join us to discuss how best to support the residents and realize this environmental and economic justice vision.
This group’s meetings are on Zoom, and occasionally in person.
- The Environmental Justice group meets every other week on Monday at 7p. Right now we are focusing most on shutting down the HERC, supporting Camp Nenookaasi Ikwe in East Phillips, and are also helping with the Reimagining of I-94 and shutting down major polluters in East Phillips such as Smith Foundry. Join us to discuss how best to support the residents and realize this environmental and economic justice vision.
- Minneapolis Rent Control Working Group – Tuesday, 1/2 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Zoom Link
- Join the Minneapolis Rent Control Working Group as we fight for strong rent control in our city! Meetings on Zoom on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm.
- Internal Organizing Phonebank – Wednesday, 1/3 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for a Lapsed Member Phonebank to call TCDSA members with recently-expired dues. We meet on Zoom to go over the script, mute ourselves and make phone calls, and then return to debrief how our calls went. A brief training is provided and no prior experience is required. These phonebanks are a chance to meet other members to TCDSA, hear what they need from our chapter and what brings them to socialism. Register for the Zoom meeting here.
IO phonebanks are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. For more information about joining this meeting, see the #internal-organizing Slack channel.
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for a Lapsed Member Phonebank to call TCDSA members with recently-expired dues. We meet on Zoom to go over the script, mute ourselves and make phone calls, and then return to debrief how our calls went. A brief training is provided and no prior experience is required. These phonebanks are a chance to meet other members to TCDSA, hear what they need from our chapter and what brings them to socialism. Register for the Zoom meeting here.
- Steering Committee Meeting – Sunday, 1/7 2:30pm – 04:00pm
- Check #steeringcommittee for the zoom link and agenda. If you are a member and need access to slack, sign up at
Log on early for a “Leadership Operations Skill-Share” where a leader in TCDSA does a skill-share about skill that is important for chapter operations. These skill-shares will be from 2:10-2:30pm before the SC meeting begins
- Check #steeringcommittee for the zoom link and agenda. If you are a member and need access to slack, sign up at
- Tech Ops Committee – Monday, 1/8 7:00pm – 8:00pm – Zoom Registration
- The Tech Ops Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of the month.
To see the latest agenda (top of the page):
- The Tech Ops Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of the month.
- Political Education Committee – Tuesday, 1/9 6:30pm – 8:00pm – Zoom Registration
- All members are welcome to join the Political Education Committee or to attend any of our meetings to discuss the continuation of programming like TCDSA 101, debate nights, and Solidarity School, and lifting up Poli Ed for new, curious, and established TCDSA members. This group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. For more information, check out the #politicaleducation Slack channel. Not on Slack? Submit to verify you’re on the member list.
- Internal Organizing Committee – Wednesday, 1/10 6:30pm – 8:00pm – Zoom Registration
- All are welcome to join our monthly meetings of the TCDSA Internal Organizing Committee (IOC).
This committee works to create the spaces, structures, and resources to initiate and sustain members’ active and healthy participation in chapter work. Through internal organizing, we strive to grow our capacity by developing confident and skilled organizers and leaders who are empowered to turn their resources into collective power to make socialist change. Join the #internal-organizing channel on Slack for more info.
- All are welcome to join our monthly meetings of the TCDSA Internal Organizing Committee (IOC).
Go to to see everything!

Nippon Steel proposes to buy US Steel – what does this mean for US labor if it goes through?
Harold Meyerson reviews the history of United Steel Workers and describes their power, fears, and overall stake in the proposed purchase of US Steel by Nippon Steel, which will become the second largest industrial concern in the world if it goes through. – From Deb K R
Labor Notes – Unionists around the World Block Weapons Bound for Israel
LN’s Rafeef Ziadah and Katy Fox-Hodess covered the story of the tremendous response to Palestinian unions’ request for solidarity in stopping weapons shipments to Israel. – From Deb K R
New Eco-activist website focuses on three threats to northern MN waters
Rob Levine explains why he founded a new website – Threatened Waters. It’s a good source to keep track of water protectors’ current struggles. – From Deb K R
From the BlockCopCity newsletter:
BlockCopCity was a temporary entity to plan and carry out last month’s BlockCopCity global campaign which saw hundreds of activists from many countries converge on Atlanta with a wide variety of tactics. – From Deb K R
Erika Christensen on the danger of abortion “compromise”
As guest columnist in Jessica Valenti’s substack “Abortion, Every Day” Christensen, a patient advocate, notes that pro-abortion policies invite government back into the exam room, after decades of saying it doesn’t belong there. It’s abortion stigma that causes even pro-abortion laws to have restrictions on gestation point or the impossible to nail down “viability” test. Doctors afraid of jail stay well BEHIND those lines. These compromises “lower the floor” for reproductive justice. – From Deb K R
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