Twin Cities
Democratic Socialists of America
Little Red Letter #118
Election Day 2023, Rallying for Peace and Justice, Labor Heat in the Frozen North, Taking Time to Rest, and More!
Readers, we have a lot to cover since the last edition, from election results, protests for peace and environmental justice, members on the doors to talk to community, sports, socials, and more than we can do justice here. Here is what’s happening in the Twin Cities.
Election Day 2023 is behind us, and as has tended to be the case, not everything was a victory, but there is a lot to celebrate. Of the seven candidates we endorsed, six of them won their elections, including Aurin Chowdhury and Hwa Jeong Kim, who were running for open seats, as well as all four incumbents who we had endorsed previously. In the race for Minneapolis Ward 8, Soren Stevenson led in first round ballots and lost by a razor thin margin. TCDSA members filled canvassing shifts throughout the season and knocked thousands of doors for our endorsed candidates. For more on everything that happened election night, see Deb R’s piece below.

The violence in Gaza continues, as does the organizing locally and nationally for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation. This includes demonstrations across the state during President Biden’s visit to demand a ceasefire, and numerous rallies calling for peace. Phone banks continue to be coordinated by DSA to pressure elected officials to call for a ceasefire, with one scheduled this Thursday, 11/16.

Following a surprise inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) it was revealed Smith Foundry has been emitting toxic pollutants well above the legally permitted levels and ignoring safety standards meant to protect nearby residents. While officials debate next steps, community rallied on Friday, 11/10 to shut down Smith Foundry and build something better in its place, and to demand that the EPA bring residents into a process of accountability and justice.

In positive developments, the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute met the final requirement of the purchase agreement with the City of Minneapolis for the Roof Depot site, with the goal for renovations to begin in 2024 and for operations to begin in 2025.

First Avenue workers went public on Thursday, 11/2 with their unionization effort at First Ave music venues. Organizing with UNITE HERE Local 17, the effort includes about 200 workers across seven locations. Among the reasons they gave for seeking to unionize were low pay, inconsistent training and short-notice scheduling. Over 70% of the workers had voted to move forward with unionization, and one day later on Friday 11/3 it was announced First Avenue would voluntarily recognize the union, allowing them to move forward to bargaining.

Following a surprise inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) it was revealed Smith Foundry has been emitting toxic pollutants well above the legally permitted levels and ignoring safety standards meant to protect nearby residents. While officials debate next steps, community rallied on Friday, 11/10 to shut down Smith Foundry and build something better in its place, and to demand that the EPA bring residents into a process of accountability and justice.

Members have a couple ways they can support workers over the next few weeks.
Three Minnesota Starbucks stores have voted to join the national Red Cup Rebellion strike on Thursday, 11/16. This strike coincides with Red Cup Day, one of the busiest days of the year! 300 Snelling in Saint Paul, the St. Anthony store, and 47th & Cedar will all be picketing 8-9:30am. Specific turnout to 47th & Cedar has been requested in order to give a strong showing in one place, but if you are closer to a different store it is also worth going there.
In addition to striking, they will also be flyering outside nonunion stores. After the morning picket at 47th & Cedar, folks will head down Cedar Ave to flyer at an Apply Valley store, and up to the 22nd & Hennepin store. For anyone who can’t make morning times, you can join at 5pm at the 100 Hennepin Starbucks for evening flyering.
Also later this month, you can support Minneapolis educators as they bargain for their next contract. Bargaining sessions are open to the public, and all are welcome to come show support for the teachers and educational support professionals. The next event will be Thursday, 11/30.

There is joy in being with comrades on the streets, on the doors, and in community, and between action it is important to take time for rest and leisure. The Ultimate Frisbee team that TCDSA sponsored, the Throwletariat, recently concluded their season, winning their final game. They follow two seasons of TCDSA softball with General Strike Three, and more to come as we gauge interest in bowling and indoor volleyball over the winter.
And while our office search continues, in the meantime we continue to gather together, most recently for a social at Arbeiter Brewing, where we welcomed members of the DSA National Political Committee in town for in-person meetings. With winter fast approaching, remember to rest and take joy in these moments of camaraderie.

2023 Elections –
How we did, how MN did, how the US did
From Deb K R, It was mostly good news in results from the 2023 elections, meaning mostly good news for the Twin Cities, for DSA, and for school boards.

Elite Capture and Corporate Antiracism
Inspired by Kip H’s article on Elite Capture and class struggle, Robbie O discusses their experience with antiracism and anti-patriarchy in the corporate world. There are valuable educational tools that can be used by socialists, but there are also limits to overcoming racism and sexism under capitalism.

TCDSA committees and working groups need members to get involved in order to create the multi-racial, worker-powered socialist future we’re all aiming for. Below are some opportunities to be part of the exciting work going on in our chapter right now!
- TechOps Committee
- Get Involved
Slack Channel: #techops
Want to help make hybrid meetings run well?
Over in tech ops, we’re putting together an A/V Team (Audio/Visual) that will help make hybrid meetings possible. Especially for chapter meetings, there’s a lot to take care of! We need people who can keep track of the zoom chat, setup the microphone & camera, monitor volume levels, advance slides, and more.
If you have any interest in this work: please head over to #techops on slack or email with subject line “Hybrid Meeting Help”
- Get Involved
- Internal Organizing Committee
- Get Involved
Our softball and frisbee leagues have wrapped up, and while we’re still doing informal pickup basketball for as long as the weather permits, we’re exploring some winter league sports options. There’s a volleyball league that runs mid-January – early April.
If you’d be interested, please fill out this survey to learn more about the league options and to express interest by the end of the week!
- Get Involved

- TCDSA 101
- Saturday, 11/18 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Zoom Registration
Join us for an introduction to Twin Cities DSA! Designed mainly for new members but any member might benefit. This event will acquaint you with the ideas behind socialism, the structure, culture, and history of Twin Cities DSA, its position in the national and local left ecosystem, and help you discern where you might find the most rewarding opportunities to get involved.
- Saturday, 11/18 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- TCDSA Minneapolis Rent Control Working Group Doorknock
- Saturday, 11/18 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Walker Church, 3104 16th Avenue South
We are doing outreach to build our base among renters and find renters who will join our fight for strong rent control in Minneapolis. Join us this Saturday for a fun and energizing canvass to talk to the public and renters specifically about this priority issue of Twin Cities DSA – strong rent control for Minneapolis. We will meet to get a short orientation, practice, and then go out to the buildings.
- Saturday, 11/18 1:00 – 3:00 PM

- Internal Organizing Phonebank – Wednesday, 11/15, 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for a phonebank to call new members of TCDSA. We meet on Zoom to go over the script, mute ourselves and make phone calls to other DSA members, and then return to debrief how our calls went. A brief training is provided and no prior experience is required. These phonebanks are a chance to meet other members to TCDSA, hear what they need from our chapter and what brings them to socialism.
IO phonebanks are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. For more information about joining this meeting, see the #internal-organizing Slack channel.
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for a phonebank to call new members of TCDSA. We meet on Zoom to go over the script, mute ourselves and make phone calls to other DSA members, and then return to debrief how our calls went. A brief training is provided and no prior experience is required. These phonebanks are a chance to meet other members to TCDSA, hear what they need from our chapter and what brings them to socialism.
- Steering Committee Meeting – Sunday, 11/19, 4:00pm – 5:30pm
- Check #steeringcommittee for the zoom link and agenda. If you are a member and need access to slack, sign up at
Log on early for a “Leadership Operations Skill-Share” where a leader in TCDSA does a skill-share about skill that is important for chapter operations. This skill-share will be from 3:40-4:00pm before the SC meeting begins.
- Check #steeringcommittee for the zoom link and agenda. If you are a member and need access to slack, sign up at
- Environmental Justice Working Group (f/k/a East Phillips Urban Farm Working Group) – Monday, 11/20, 7:00pm – 8:30pm – Boneshaker Books – Zoom Registration
- The Environmental Justice group meets every other week on Monday at 7p. Right now we are focusing most on shutting down the HERC and supporting Camp Nenookaasi Ikwe in East Phillips, and are also helping with the Reimagining of I-94 and shutting down major polluters in East Phillips. Join us to discuss how best to support the residents and realize this environmental and economic justice vision. This group’s meetings are hybrid, in-person at Boneshaker and on Zoom.
- Labor Branch Meeting – Tuesday, 11/21, 7:00pm – 8:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The TCDSA Labor Branch meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. For information about this meeting, see the #labor channel on Slack. Not on Slack? Submit to verify you’re on the member list.
Go to to see everything!

School Board Integrity Project launched to counter right-wing’s school board focus
MPR’s coverage in October this year of the launch of the School Board Integrity Project includes a good summary of the right-wing strategy behind groups like the Minnesota Parents’ Alliance.
From: Deb K R
EPNI finalizes purchase agreement on Roof Depot site
“Now we can start working with the community and get this thing built,” said Dean Dovolis, president of the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute. The City of Minneapolis approved the sale agreement on November 8, 2023, after EPNI successfully raised $3.7M for their share of the funding.
From: Deb K R
Sahan Journal’s election coverage 2019 vs 2023
Becky Dernbach traces Sahan Journal’s growth from 2019 to 2023 by contrasting the election coverage, particularly of Nadia Mohamed in St. Louis Park.
From: Deb K R
What changes in Minneapolis with a left-leaning City Council?
MinnPost’s Kyle Stokes gives a thorough analysis of how the recent elections will influence next year’s policies at City Hall Minneapolis. (H/t to Josh K for this link.)
From: Deb K R
Deforestation in Colombia’s Amazon rainforest down by 70%
One Green Planet, a vegan and environmental news aggregator, reports on this good (for a change) environmental news about the Amazon rainforest. I am waiting for one that says “Reforestation up by 70%” to be really excited.
From: Deb K R
Jamaal Bowman and three others face serious primary challenges over Israel
Rep Jamaal Bowman, who was nearly expelled from DSA several years ago for being too close to Israel, is now facing the most likely-to-succeed primarying due to not being close enough to Israel. Second most threatened is Rep. Ilhan Omar; the others are Cori Bush and Summer Lee.
From: Deb K R
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