Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!

2023 Twin Cities DSA Annual Member Convention




Join us on Saturday, September 30 at 2:00PM on Zoom or at the Ramsey County Library – Roseville (2180 Hamline Ave N), and on zoom the following day, October 1 at 2pm. Check-in on Saturday begins at 1:30PM, with the meeting kickoff at 2:00PM. Please register for the method you plan on using to attend on Saturday; this allows us to plan accordingly. Zoom registrants can use the same link both days.

Every September, Twin Cities DSA gathers for our annual convention where we elect chapter leadership, consider resolutions and bylaws proposals, and set a path forward together for socialist organizing in the coming year.

Due to the amount of business that we need to consider, this will be the first ever two-day convention! Proposals that received support of 1% of members by the deadline are listed below. Because of the time constraints, we may not be able to consider all of them. 

Any proposals that we do not get to on 9/30 will be considered at the November General Meeting. Proposal authors who feel their item can be considered at that time instead should indicate so in the Steering Committee Slack channel.

Accessibility and Other Details

To protect the health and safety of all members, masks will be required for in-person attendees at all times indoors. We are expecting a full meeting room, which will allow up to 125 people in theater seating.

The Roseville Library is fully ADA accessible and is located on Metro Transit Routes 65 and 83. It is 0.7 miles from the A Line.

Childcare will be provided by a member who will be paid for their time.

Need a ride? Let us know on the in-person registration form and we’ll connect you to a rideshare volunteer.

How to Help Out

It takes a ton of work to pull off an event like this, and we need all hands on deck. There are many ways to help out, such as hybrid technology support, marshaling, and rideshare. Fill out the volunteer form here if you can help out.

Leadership Elections

The following positions will be up for election:

  • Co-chair (2)
  • Recording Secretary
  • Technology Coordinator
  • Treasurer
  • Political Action Coordinator
  • Operations Coordinator
  • Political Education Coordinators (3)
  • Members At-Large (3)

Read the position descriptions here. Nominations will be accepted through September 19. See submitted candidate statements here. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at convention, and candidates running for leadership may read a candidate statement virtually or in person. Candidate Q&A will be conducted on Slack.

Resolutions and Bylaws Amendments

The deadline for submitting resolutions and amendments for the 2023 Twin Cities DSA convention is September 10. After the initial deadline of September 10, all members will receive the submitted resolutions and bylaws amendments within two days and secondary amendments to the submitted proposals will be due on Sept 19.

Resolutions and bylaws amendments will not be accepted on the floor at convention. To submit a resolution or bylaws amendment, send your final copy to chairs@twincitiesdsa.org by Saturday, September 10 at midnight. 

A resolution is a commitment to a chapter priority or political position, and a bylaw amendment is a change to the structure and rules that govern our chapter. You can read our current bylaws here. Any member can submit a resolution or bylaw amendment for consideration. We encourage members to share ideas and drafts on the #bylaws channel on Slack to collect feedback and generate discussion among members. (Not on slack? Submit tcdsa.org/slack.)

Voting & Eligibility

You can attend convention regardless of membership status. To vote on leadership, amendments, and resolutions, or to run for leadership, you’ll need to be a member. Members, see the email sent on August 31st to see your member status, or email operations@twincitiesdsa.org.

To join or renew your membership, go to dsausa.org/join. To learn how to join or renew without paying member dues, see the dues waiver page here.

We will use OpaVote to vote asynchronously on resolutions, bylaws amendments, and leadership. Voting will be open for four days after the convention, ending on October 5.