An update on the Grievance Process




On September 1st, 2018 a group of TCDSA members got together at the Northeast Library for a session that lasted seven hours and resulted in a first draft. Over the next eight months, a small working group of dedicated individuals revised the document, regularly seeking feedback from membership in the form of online surveys, in-person meetings, and invitations to join the collaborative work on the #grievanceprocess Slack channel. This labor ultimately resulted in the presentation to the chapter of a Grievance Process as well as a proposal to elect one or more temporary Grievance Process Advocates.

It is my pleasure to announce to you that on May 18th, 2019, TCDSA voted by supermajority to pass this Grievance Process.

As with all initiatives of this nature, there is still more work to be done. But with perseverance and dedication to building internal structures that reflect our values, I have no doubt that we will arrive at a process that works for the People.

Julia T.