For the 2021 election cycle, the Twin Cities DSA Electoral Committee has endorsed the following four candidates in the city of Minneapolis:
Sheila Nezhad for Mayor of Minneapolis
Robin Wonsley Worlobah for Minneapolis City Council Ward 2
Jason Chavez for Minneapolis City Council Ward 9
Aisha Chughtai for Minneapolis City Council Ward 10
We have also endorsed the following Minneapolis city charter amendments as well:
YES for a Department of Public Safety (Yes 4 Minneapolis)
YES for Rent Control
If you would like to learn more about our endorsed candidates and charter amendments, check out this blog post for more information. We also have our 2021 endorsement process detailed on this page as well.
Election Day in Minneapolis is November 2nd, so if you live in Minneapolis, make sure to go vote for our candidates and charter amendments!
Volunteer for Our Slate!
If we’re going to win this November, we’re going to need an army of volunteers committed to fighting for our candidates and charter amendments.
Right now, we have canvasses scheduled every Saturday, 11am-2:30pm, rotating between each of the three wards we’ve endorsed in. We also now have some canvasses on Tuesdays. You can see the schedule for the next few months for canvassing below.
All canvasses include Sheila Nezhad for Mayor and the two charter amendments, while the City Council candidate depends on the ward of the canvass.
Ward, Location & Candidate | Date & Time | Sign-Up Link |
Have questions? Please email electoral@twincitiesdsa.org.
The TCDSA Political Fund is responsible for the content of this message.