For the 2025 election cycle, Members of Twin Cities DSA have endorsed the following candidates for Minneapolis Mayor, Minneapolis City Council, and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, as well as the Saint Paul City Council Ward 4 special election!
Omar Fateh for Minneapolis Mayor
Robin Wonsley for re-election to Minneapolis City Council Ward 2
Soren Stevenson for Minneapolis City Council Ward 8
Jason Chavez for re-election to Minneapolis City Council Ward 9
Aisha Chughtai for re-election to Minneapolis City Council Ward 10
Adam Schneider for Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board At-Large
Michael Wilson for Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board At-Large
Cole Hanson for Saint Paul City Council Ward 4
Here are some ways you can plug in:
- Commit to Caucus as a DSA Member
- Most precincts only have a handful of people attend each year so this is a great way for DSA members to have an outsized impact on the 2025 elections in Minneapolis and ensure we’re electing our DSA endorsed candidates to the City Council, Park Board, and Mayor!
- Phonebank for Caucus – Thursdays and Saturdays
- We’re phonebanking our fellow DSA members to talk about caucus and other ways they can get plugged into our chapter. So far the phonebanks having been reaching a ton of new members having their first ever convo with a fellow DSA member and it’s been great!
Volunteer for Our Candidates!
If we’re going to win this year, we’re going to need an army of volunteers committed to volunteering for our candidates in both cities. We will regularly update volunteer opportunities
City, Ward, & Candidate | Date & Time | Sign-Up Link |
Have questions? Please email electoral@twincitiesdsa.org.
The TCDSA Political Fund is responsible for the content of this message.