Twin Cities
Democratic Socialists of America
Little Red Letter #108
Starting off Summer – Open Streets, General Strike Three Inaugural Season, Socialist Education and More!
Summer is here and Twin Cities DSA is making the most of it! It has been a busy couple of weeks, and it’s not slowing down. Important today, all are invited to attend the Roof Depot Block Party! The success of the East Phillips Urban Farm campaign heavily featured critical organizing from Twin Cities DSA, and this is a hard fought win for the coalition. Everyone who can should join to honor the work that went into this victory. This family-friendly event will feature speeches from coalition leaders, a local native rapper, Little Earth Drummers, Father’s Day Round Dance, music, food, mutual aid, information tables from supporters, and much more. |

Twin Cities DSA joined the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI) and other organizations at Open Streets East Lake on June 10 to talk with community members and enjoy a beautiful day, followed by a torrential downpour. Before volunteers were drenched, they spoke with a variety of community members, from DSA members who’ve recently moved to the area to people dropping by to learn who we are. It was a wonderful event, and a special thank you to the folks who sheltered with us when the rain started and helped us to pack up and keep everything from blowing away. It has never been a better time to have a big tent.

A few days earlier Twin Cities DSA cosponsored the Rock the Boat benefit concert with the Young Worker Caucus, AFSCME 3800, SEIU 26, SPFE 28, MFT 59, and ATU 1005, with all proceeds going to the 2024 solidarity fund. Members spent a music-filled night of fun at the Driftwood Char Bar with other workers and showed solidarity for the 30,000 workers in the Twin Cities who have contracts expiring in Spring 2024.

On June 12 the Twin Cities DSA softball team General Strike Three (The Strikers) played their third game of the season, following their double header opener the week before. At this game they were joined on the field by Soren Stevenson, DSA member and endorsed candidate running for Ward 8 City Council against Andrea Jenkins, and off the field by members who came out to watch them. After an exciting game and an ultimate loss, a couple of our members stayed behind to join the teams playing next who needed a hand filling out their rosters, while others headed to the post-game social for some cold drinks.

Also this past week we had two exciting political education events. In the wake of the victory in East Phillips, we were joined on June 12 by Nick Estes, author of Red Nation and Chair of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee along with Joe Vital, key leader of the East Phillips Urban Farm coalition, to discuss The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth and its implications for our social justice and socialist work.
We also co-hosted an event with UMN YDSA on June 15 with Professor August Nimtz on Socialism vs Liberalism, what are the differences, how do they compare, why is the distinction significant? We appreciate all our guest speakers for joining us, and want to thank everyone who attended these excellent events!
And there are many more events to come! See more details in our upcoming events section below to learn how you can join us at future softball games, attend a film screening and discussion of The Farm-Labor Movement: A Minnesota Story, join members who are turning out to support Nelsie Yang in East Side St. Paul, and join our next debate night, How Big of a Big Tent?
Lastly, a reminder of our ongoing effort to fundraise for our office. Last fall the membership of Twin Cities DSA voted to obtain an office to serve as the home of our organizing efforts and a place of community and comradeship. Our Office Search Committee has been hard at work seeking out and touring local office spaces. We are on the cusp of obtaining a space, but to make this a reality we need to ensure that we have the adequate funding. We’re applying for a grant from National DSA and need to raise matching funds to qualify. We believe with at least $1,500 in new recurring monthly donations, we can afford a space we’ll be able to call home. We’re already off to a great start after our May General Meeting with $465 in new recurring donations! |

Can you donate $15/month (or more if you can) so we can rent an office for our chapter? Set up a recurring donation here:

Gutted Rent Stabilization
Spurs Tenant Organizing
From Cory C, a write up of recent actions taken by residents of her building after they all received postcards from the City of Saint Paul explaining that their landlord had applied for an exception to the city’s rent stabilization ordinance (RSO), meaning that they could raise the rent up to 8% in one year.

TCDSA committees and working groups need members to get involved in order to create the multi-racial, worker-powered socialist future we’re all aiming for. Below are some opportunities to be part of the exciting work going on in our chapter right now!
- Volunteer with Comrades at the next Open Streets! – Sign up for a shift here
- Sunday, July 16 on Glenwood in Minneapolis.
As mentioned above, we had a great time at Open Streets East Lake and are excited to table at the next event on Glenwood. This is a great opportunity to spend time with your comrades in person and to get more involved in chapter work. No prior experience with tabling is required. Sign up for a two-hour shift here, and we’ll follow up with you closer to the event to confirm your time. Make sure to join the #tabling channel on Slack if you haven’t already, and watch for a potential button-making social before the event!
- Sunday, July 16 on Glenwood in Minneapolis.
- East Phillips Urban Farm
- Following the huge Roof Depo victory, there’s still plenty of work to be done to continue the fight for environmental justice in the Twin Cities. On the EPNI side, volunteers are needed for things like potentially making DIY air filters and sourcing materials for them, EPNI tabling and outreach, EPNI Media Team translation assistance, grant writing and fund raising. While a wing of this coalition is focused on the development of the community vision for the multi-use Urban Farm project, other parts of the coalition have their sights set on Bituminous Roadways and Smith Foundry. Stopping more pollution in East Phillips is merely step one. Now we are going to work to reduce pollution. We also hope that this historic example of environmental justice success brings life and hope to the other struggles around us. Shutting down the HERC trash incinerator, protecting Lake Hiawatha, and stopping the Line 5 pipeline are all movements that are connected to this work. If you’re interested in any of this work, reach out to TCDSA’s EPNI Working Group at or on Slack at #epni_coalition_with_and_events to get plugged in!
- Mutual Aid for Houseless Community Members
- A local effort that the chapter’s Street Corps Working Group is supporting is the upstart Gertrude Community Land Trust, a joint effort by multiple local mutual aid and encampment support organizations to provide safe living space for local houseless community members. Interested in helping? Join our Slack channel #street-corps-working-group to learn more!
- Art and Writing
- On the Left Bank Creative Writing and Art Magazine
Call for submissions for On the Left Bank: Struggle and art have always been deeply intertwined. We believe one of our core duties as socialists is to help our friends and neighbors believe a better world really is possible. That’s why we need your writing, your creativity, and your expertise.
Help us weave a better future! Submit your (short) creative writing, art, and poetry to Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. The deadline for the June/July issue (issue 5) is June 22. This issue’s loose theme will be pride!
There are no requirements for writers, authors, or artists to submit. The core theme is hopeful futures, but we accept pieces incorporating all aspects of political struggle, the fight for justice, and leftist thought.
- Marxist Research and Reporting Group
You have nothing to lose but your pains (that you get listening to the false narratives of neoliberalism). Any economists in this crowd? Or writers interested in Marxist economics? I want to start a research and reporting group to spread a Marxist understanding of the crises we live under. There is a lot of class based economics out there but most of it supports the wrong class. And most Marxist economics is academic in tone. My aim is to popularize Marxist alternatives by publishing short pieces in places and in a language where US workers will see it and understand it. My plan is to create a small collaborative of writers and researchers to promote this aim. If anyone is interested please contact me at or via DSA Slack.
- On the Left Bank Creative Writing and Art Magazine
- Twin Cities DSA Sports
- Basketball
Join us Sundays at 9:00 to play some casual pickup basketball games with comrades! Join the #socialists-play-sports-basketball Slack channel to stay in the loop! All skill levels are welcome 🏀 - Disc Golf
Disc golf is the golf of the working class! Most courses are in public parks and are free to play. Discs are inexpensive compared to most sporting gear and can be bought used, and many people who’ve been playing for a while have a collection of extra discs available to borrow. We’re organizing occasional TCDSA group rounds—join the #socialists-play-sports-disc-golf Slack channel for more info! All are welcome, regardless of athleticism.
- Basketball

- TODAY: Roof Depot Community Celebration – Register Here
- TODAY, Sunday, 6/18 – 1:00PM – 7:00PM – Cedar Avenue Fields Park
This Community Celebration is to honor the hard work that went into the Roof Depot Urban Farm campaign. This family-friendly event will feature speeches from coalition leaders, a local native rapper, Little Earth Drummers, Father’s Day Round Dance, music, food, mutual aid, information tables from supporters, and much much more.
The success of the East Phillips Urban Farm campaign heavily featured critical organizing from TCDSA. This is a win that we worked hard for, and this celebration is an incredible organizing opportunity to strengthen solidarity with diverse working-class people here.
- TODAY, Sunday, 6/18 – 1:00PM – 7:00PM – Cedar Avenue Fields Park
- TCDSA General Strike Three Softball Game – Register Here
- Monday, 6/19 – 7:00PM – 8:30PM – Logan Park SB/KB 2 Field
Come cheer on our softball team General Strike Three and hang with comrades! Game starts at 7:15.
- Monday, 6/19 – 7:00PM – 8:30PM – Logan Park SB/KB 2 Field
- Movie Night: The Farm-Labor Movement – Register Here
- Friday, 6/23 – 7:00PM – 9:30PM – Lind Hall Room 302, UMN Campus 207 Church St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455
We will be watching the documentary, The Farm-Labor Movement: A Minnesota Story, created by the Farm Labor Education Committee. After the movie, a panel of experts will answer audience’s questions. Easiest parking at Church Street Garage.
- Friday, 6/23 – 7:00PM – 9:30PM – Lind Hall Room 302, UMN Campus 207 Church St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455
- Doorknock with Nelsie Yang – Register Here
- Sunday, 6/25 – 3:00PM to 6:00PM
Join us for a canvass and BBQ with Saint Paul City Council Member Nelsie Yang!
- Sunday, 6/25 – 3:00PM to 6:00PM
- New Member/General Chapter Social: General Strike Three Softball Game and Post-Game Hang – Register Here
- Monday, 6/26 – 6:00PM to 9:00PM – Logan Park SB/KB 2 Field and Sociable Cider Werks
Come out and enjoy a casual summer evening with us! We’re having a general chapter social in the form of cheering on our softball team General Strike Three during their game and then heading to Sociable Cider Werks to relax. This’ll be a great way to meet/get to know other comrades and learn how to get plugged into TCDSA’s work. Both newer and more established people to the chapter and their friends and family are welcome!
Game is at 6:15. After the game we’ll head to Sociable Cider Werks to hang out!
- Monday, 6/26 – 6:00PM to 9:00PM – Logan Park SB/KB 2 Field and Sociable Cider Werks
- TCDSA Debate Night – How Big of a Big Tent? – In-person and online
- Friday, 6/30 – 6:00PM to 7:30PM – 4200 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407
This is the 3rd debate night organized by the Political Education committee! The debate is about the Big Tent resolution authored by John Heppen. Basically we will debate when and how it is appropriate to expel or sanction DSA members and electeds. The debate will be from 6-7:30pm, and we’ll have the space to socialize until 9pm. The venue can support including a zoom call for people to attend and listen to speakers remotely.
- Friday, 6/30 – 6:00PM to 7:30PM – 4200 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407

- East Phillips Urban Farm Working Group – Monday, 6/19, 8:00pm-9:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The East Phillips Urban Farm working group meets weekly on Monday at 8p. TCDSA has endorsed the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute’s (EPNI) Urban Farm initiative to resist the City’s Hiawatha Campus Expansion plan.
- Minneapolis Rent Control Working Group – Tuesday, 6/20, 6:00pm-7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Join us to discuss our strategy for winning meaningful rent control in Minneapolis.
- Labor Branch Meeting – Tuesday, 6/20, 7:00pm-8:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The TCDSA Labor Branch meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. For information about this meeting, see the #labor channel on Slack. Not on Slack? Submit to verify you’re on the member list.
- Internal Organizing Phone Bank – Wednesday, 6/21, 6:00pm-7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for our bimonthly phonebank to call new TCDSA members.
We meet on Zoom to go over the script, mute ourselves and make phone calls to other DSA members, and then return to debrief how our calls went. A brief training is provided and no prior experience is required. These phonebanks are a chance to meet newer members to TCDSA, hear what they need from our chapter and what brings them to socialism. All are welcome to join, but new members should note that this is a group calling session where we will call you, not an event designed for new members.
IO phonebanks are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. For more information about joining this meeting, see the #internal-organizing Slack channel.
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for our bimonthly phonebank to call new TCDSA members.
- Planning for the July General Chapter Meeting – Wednesday, 6/21, 7:00pm-8:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Planning the agenda and logistics for the July General Meeting.
- Steering Committee Meeting – Sunday, 6/25, 3:00pm-4:30pm
- Check #steeringcommittee for the zoom link and agenda. If you are a member and need access to slack, sign up at
- East Phillips Urban Farm Working Group – Monday, 6/26, 8:00pm-9:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The East Phillips Urban Farm working group meets weekly on Monday at 8p.TCDSA has endorsed the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute’s (EPNI) Urban Farm initiative to resist the City’s Hiawatha Campus Expansion plan.
- Local Elected Socialists in Office: Administrative Meeting – Tuesday, 6/27, 5:00pm-6:30pm – Zoom Registration
- This is a meeting to plan and prepare for meeting with local elected officials. All branches, committees, and working groups are encouraged to bring ideas for how we can collaborate with electeds.
- Socialist Feminist Branch Meeting – Tuesday, 6/27, 6:30pm-8:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Our monthly branch meetings are a space to talk about current organizing and how people can get involved! We also have discussion centered around political education on specific topics each month. All are welcome.
- Electoral Committee General Meeting – Wednesday, 6/28, 6:00pm-7:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The TCDSA Electoral Committee holds a general meeting the last Wednesday of every month at 6PM.
- St. Paul Branch Meeting – Wednesday, 6/28, 7:00pm-8:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The St. Paul Branch of TCDSA meets on the 4th Thursday of the month.
- Health Justice Reading & Discussion Group – Thursday, 6/29, 7:00pm-8:30pm – Zoom Registration
- The TCDSA Health Justice Reading & Discussion Group meets regularly to explore socialist perspectives on health justice issues, critique the current US American health system, and discuss strategies for transformation. This group is for anyone who is interested in learning more and engaging with local comrades, and you are welcome to join whether you have read the texts or not. This week we will be discussing the concept of Equality. How do we talk about our demands for justice and equality with regard to healthcare in contrast to neoliberal, market-centric terms and what does it mean to flourish instead of just survive?
Go to to see everything!

SNV Special Interview: On the Left Bank
Interview by Nick Shillingford on Socialist News and Views about On the Left Bank! Also talked a bit about renter organizing and RLM/Sun Spaces/Moon Spaces.
From David A
How Israeli Spyware Endangers Activists Across the Globe
A recent In These Times article describes the shadowy, unregulated world of private but government controlled spyware and malware, headed up by the Israeli owned NSO group and how governments use it to spy on citizens, punish and murder non-criminal activists, and control information.
From Deb K R.
The Implications of New US Troop Arrivals in Peru
From Counterpunch, via news aggregator, we learn that the US is sending troops to Peru. They are arriving there now and may stay until the end of 2023, on a “training and advisory” mission. This news is almost completely absent from mainstream media.
From Deb K R.
Ukraine’s anarchists have come together in support of the war
Great short piece just in NPR today on the Ukrainian anarchist/antifascist perspective on the war!
From Sam G
New York’s Driver-Owned Ride-Hailing App Is Putting Its Foot On The Accelerator
Founded in 2021 and launched in May of that year, the Drivers’ Cooperative of NYC is the city’s largest co-op and is approaching profitability already despite a guaranteed minimum wage of $30.00 an hour.
From Deb K R.
The People’s Community Land Trust
With very landlord-centered tenant law, and very lender-centered mortgage law, and over 40 years of rampant gentrification, Atlanta can be a housing nightmare for poor people, and even middle-income people, who don’t qualify for public housing or other benefits. One way they fight back is through community land trusts. The expiration of pandemic eviction moratoria has sparked a new crisis and a new land trust has sprung up in response.
From Deb K R.
If you find something that should be shared, you can post it to the #linkroundup channel on Slack.
Members and newsletter subscribers should have received this in their email. If you did not and believe you should have, please check spam and promotion folders before contacting