Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America Supports Senator Fateh’s Proposed Uber and Lyft Regulations
Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America (TCDSA) applauds Senator Omar Fateh for holding the line on regulating Uber and Lyft in Minnesota (SF2319/HF2369).
Arianna Feldman, TCDSA Co-Chair said, “All workers deserve living wages and dignity on the job. That’s why Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America strongly supports Uber and Lyft drivers’ fight for minimum rates and job protections. It’s time for the Minnesota DFL to step up and get Senator Omar Fateh’s Uber/Lyft regulation across the finish line.”
We’re proud to stand with Senator Fateh alongside Twin Cities and Twin Ports DSA endorsed legislators Sen. Jen McEwen, Sen. Zaynab Mohamed, Rep. Athena Hollins, and Rep. Samantha Sencer-Mura and call for the DFL to immediately pass SF2319/HF2369.
Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America (TCDSA) is a 1200 strong member-led, member-financed organization that fights for workers, and against capitalism, racism and all forms of oppression. TCDSA is the Twin Cities chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the United States. Join our chapter at https://twincitiesdsa.org/