Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!


Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is funded by our membership — not corporate foundations or private companies. This ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political control of our organization. Through national dues and local contributions, DSA members self-fund our own tools for liberation. No one is turned away for lack of funds.

Why Join?

  • Non-members can attend meetings, but membership allows you to vote on chapter initiatives.
  • You also get access to members-only spaces like our Google Drive, Slack & Wiki.
  • Members can request disbursements from the Solidarity Fund.
  • Organize meetings with other members to tackle the issues that face us.

Become a DSA member

To become a DSA member you must pay dues to our national organization. Annual dues are an option, but we encourage everyone who is financially able to become a national monthly sustaining member. A dues waiver application is available as well.

The buttons above will take you to our national DSA website. If you live in one of the sixteen Minnesota/Wisconsin counties that make up the Twin Cities metro area, the national organization will add you to Twin Cities DSA’s member list when you join. If you’re not sure what your local chapter is, you can look it up here.

After joining you will receive an email confirming your membership by our membership coordinator.

Get Invovled