The December General Meeting, Labor Actions, 2023 Elections (Already??) and More!
All of the work mentioned below happens because our members and allies make it happen. Join us at the Dec. 5th member meeting as we lay out our plan for the years ahead. Twin Cities DSA will discuss the most significant opportunity for labor to exercise power in the region in almost a century. We will plan a campaign to take power away from profit-obsessed landlords and strengthen renters. And we will lay the foundation for future exciting tales of working class heroes, sheroes and they-roes standing up against the capitalist system! This is all happening in-person and livestreamed at the Merriam Park Library (1831 Marshall Ave, St Paul, MN 55104) Dec 5th at 6pm. Sign up at!

The big news this week? Railroads. As of November 21, 2022, all rail unions have cast their votes on the tentative agreement (TA), a deal proposed by Labor Secretary Marty Walsh that includes some pay raises, no increases in health insurance premiums, but only one sick day, unpaid. Four unions out of the twelve, which make up about half of the actual workers, have voted no on the TA. The four unions have agreed to coordinate to create more unified bargaining power. The date they chose is December 9, 2022, which is the earliest that any of the rail workers could strike or that rail carriers could impose a lockout. Rail culture maintains, and for rail negotiations it is legal, that if one union strikes, no other unions will cross picket lines – therefore causing a national rail strike of around 115,000 workers.
As expected, Congress choose to intervene and impose the TA that workers rejected (read DSA’s full statement here). Agitation by progressives such as Bernie Sanders and others resulted in two bills passing through the House, one that reflected the TA, and one that would have amended it to include seven paid sick days. This failed, and there is responsibility to go around, from the bipartisan refusal to bring a unified bill that included sick days, disorganization on the congressional left in how to handle the asks of the union leadership that brokered the TA, and that union leadership’s reliance on the Democratic establishment to deliver for working people, instead of demanding they allow workers their right to strike. The bill imposing the TA and undermining the workers has now passed Congress and is expected to be signed by President Biden. Check out Railroad Workers United (RWU), an organization of rank-and-file cross-craft railroad workers who are building towards mass solidarity among the railroad unions and with labor at large. Spread the word about the struggle and push back on the misinformation that is circulating about well-paid railway workers prepared to devastate the economy before Christmas. Events have moved quickly. Read the piece below by Brook B. for more background on the negotiations, and if a strike does still occur, look for updates from TCDSA Labor Branch on how to support the workers.

Every member of TCDSA will have the opportunity to be part of two important actions by Twin Cities workers on December 8th. The first event will be at MSP airport Terminal 2. SEIU Local 26, Teamsters Locals 120 and 970, AFA, Unite-Here Local 17 and the IAM will be joining forces to support the organizing drive of Sun Country Airlines 300 ramp workers, 50,000 Delta ramp workers, mechanics and flight attendants, as well as several other smaller drives. They will also be demanding that the Metropolitan Airport Commission pass an ordinance giving all contract workers at MSP health insurance. We will gather on the light rail platform at Terminal 2 at 11AM and then march to the terminal for a rally.
From 1pm to 3pm a Teach-in on the history of Amazon and strategies for unionizing this logistics giant will be held at a location to be determined.
Finally we will gather at Amazon’s Shakopee fulfillment center at 2601 4th Ave. East, Shakopee MN 55379 to support workers there at 4PM. They are demanding pay raises across all shifts, an end to company surveillance and accountability from the company on its climate impact. The Shakopee warehouse is one of the most militant in the country.
We want to have a large contingent of TCDSA members at all 3 actions on December 8th. If you’re able, consider taking a day off work so you can be at all 3 events. Minnesota labor is rising. We need to be part of it.

Locally, DSA incumbents Jason Chavez and Robin Wonsley recently launched their re-election campaigns. In the wake of the victory by Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty, rejecting the fearful rhetoric and the status quo of Frey and his Downtown Council backers, there is opportunity for Twin Cities DSA to work to expand the socialist caucus on the Minneapolis City Council in 2023. Across the river, the Saint Paul City Council caved to corporate lobbyist pressure and gutted the nation’s strongest rent control policy passed by voters. With the potential for several incumbents retiring, there is an opening to elect a pro-rent control majority in Saint Paul. Join the Twin Cities DSA Electoral Committee for a debrief of our 2021-2022 campaigns and plan for next year on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at Roosevelt Library. RSVP in-person or Zoom.
On the blog this week, in addition to pieces on the railroad negotiation and the 2023 election by Brooke B. and Luke M respectively, we also have a perspective from Carlos B. on the 2022 election results and the announcement that Donald Trump will run for President, a report back from West Side Community Organization’s Annual Meeting, and reflections on community organizing by David A., as well as a book review of “Woody Guthrie: An Intimate Life” by Robbie O.
Big Events Coming Up
- TODAY: Twin Cities DSA New Member Hangout – Mayday Books– RSVP Here
- TODAY, Friday, 12/2, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Hangout at Mayday Books. All members welcome, but this is an especially good time for new members and people considering joining TCDSA to get to know each other and ask questions!
- TODAY, Friday, 12/2, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
- Twin Cities DSA General Member Meeting – Merriam Park Library – RSVP Here
- Monday, 12/5, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Join us for the final full chapter meeting of the year! We will be discussing proposals that have emerged from our visioning sessions last month and preparing to vote on chapter priorities and what our organizing focus will look like over the next year.
- Monday, 12/5, 6:00pm-8:00pm
- Post-Election Strategy Discussion – Roosevelt Library or Zoom
- Saturday, 12/10, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Join us for a debrief of our electoral campaigns these last two years and help plan for the future! We’ll be talking about Twin Cities DSA electoral strategy, including the 2023 local elections, as well as ongoing collaboration efforts with current elected officials.
- Saturday, 12/10, 2:00pm-4:00pm
- On the Left Bank Vol. 3 Poetry Reading and Launch Party – Zoom Registration
- Tuesday, 12/13, 7:30pm-8:30pm
Join us as we unveil the third volume of On the Left Bank, a socialist zine for art, poetry, and short prose. This event will feature readings by the authors of works included in On the Left Bank Vol. 3, and information about how to get involved in the editorial board or submit work for the next issue.
- Tuesday, 12/13, 7:30pm-8:30pm
From the Blog / In the News
Authors’ opinions may not reflect those of Twin Cities DSA.

• Looking Forward to 2023 Elections in Minneapolis & Saint Paul – Luke M. previews the 2023 Municipal elections and invites members to debrief our 2021-2022 campaigns and help plan for next year at Roosevelt Library on Saturday, December 10, 2022.

• The Monster is Back… – Carlos B. shares their perspective on the 2022 election results and the announcement that Donald Trump will run for President in 2024.

• We Need Some Rail Solidarity – The railroad workers of this country have been embroiled in a contract fight spanning the last three years, struggling to improve their material and working conditions, and they need our support, by Brooke B.

• West Side Community Organization Shows Us What Organizing Can Do – A report back by David A. from WSCO’s annual Meeting and reflections on community organizing and direct democracy.

• Hard Travelin’ and Lightening the Load – By Robbie O., a book review of “Woody Guthrie: An Intimate Life” by Gustavus Stadler.
Chapter Branch/Committee/Working Group Meetings and Events
- Electoral Committee General Meeting – Saturday, 12/03, 2:00pm-3:30pm – Zoom Registration
- Join us as we prepare for our Twin Cities DSA electoral strategy debrief, including discussing the 2023 local elections, as well as ongoing collaboration efforts with current elected officials.
- Internal Organizing Phonebank – Wednesday, 12/07, 6:00pm-7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for our bimonthly phonebank to call new TCDSA members.
We meet on Zoom to go over the script, mute ourselves and make phone calls to other DSA members, and then return to debrief how our calls went. A brief training is provided and no prior experience is required. These phonebanks are a chance to meet newer members to TCDSA, hear what they need from our chapter and what brings them to socialism. All are welcome to join, but new members should note that this is a group calling session where we will call you, not an event designed for new members.
IO phonebanks are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. For more information about joining this meeting, see the #internal-organizing Slack channel.
- Join the Internal Organizing Committee for our bimonthly phonebank to call new TCDSA members.
- Political Education Committee – Thursday, 12/08, 6:00pm-7:30pm – Zoom Registration
- All members are welcome to join the Political Education committee or to attend any of our meetings to discuss the continuation of Socialism 101 and lifting up Pol Ed for new, curious, and established TCDSA members.
This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month. For more information, check out the #politicaleducation Slack channel. Not on Slack? Submit to verify you’re on the member list.
- All members are welcome to join the Political Education committee or to attend any of our meetings to discuss the continuation of Socialism 101 and lifting up Pol Ed for new, curious, and established TCDSA members.
- Marshaling 101 Training– Saturday, 12/10, 6:00pm-7:30pm – Event Registration
- Marshaling 101 Training presented by the Street Corps Working Group’s Security Committee. We are looking to build and expand on our chapters Marshaling Team. We will be going over the basics of Marshaling and how you can get involved!
- Steering Committee Meeting – Sunday, 12/11, 3:00pm-4:30pm
- Check #steeringcommittee for the zoom link and agenda. If you are a member and need access to slack, sign up at
- Tech Ops Committee – Monday, 12/12, 06:30pm-08:00pm – Zoom Registration
- The Tech Ops Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of the month
To see the latest agenda (top of the page):
- The Tech Ops Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of the month
- Street Corp Working Group – Tuesday, 12/13, 6:00pm-7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- The Street Corps Working Group works on addressing issues in the community through mutual aid, community building, and community defense initiatives.
This group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. For further information about joining this meeting, check out the #street-corps-working-group channel.
- The Street Corps Working Group works on addressing issues in the community through mutual aid, community building, and community defense initiatives.
- Internal Organizing Committee – Wednesday, 12/14, 6:30pm-8:00pm – Zoom Registration
- All are welcome to join our monthly meetings of the TCDSA Internal Organizing Committee (IOC).
This committee works to create the spaces, structures, and resources to initiate and sustain members’ active and healthy participation in chapter work. Through internal organizing, we strive to grow our capacity by developing confident and skilled organizers and leaders who are empowered to turn their resources into collective power to make socialist change. Join the #internal-organizing channel on Slack for more info.
- All are welcome to join our monthly meetings of the TCDSA Internal Organizing Committee (IOC).
- Tech Ops: Website Redesign Work Check-in – Thursday, 12/15, 12:00pm-12:30pm – Zoom Registration
- Regular check-in regarding website redesign work and making changes to the website.
- Communications Committee – Thursday, 12/15, 6:00pm-7:00pm – Zoom Registration
- The Communications Committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. For information on joining this meeting, see the #communications channel on Slack. Not on Slack? Submit to verify you’re on the member list.
Go to to see everything!
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