Twin Cities DSA Supports Aisha Gomez




The following resolution was passed by the Steering Committee on October 30, 2019.

WHEREAS, on October 10, 2019, the Minneapolis Police Department used violent, escalatory tactics including indiscriminate spraying of chemical irritants and charging horses into crowds after a rally by Donald Trump, and

WHEREAS, the MPD used these tactics in an effort to to intimidate protesters instead of directing and controlling Trump supporters leaving the rally, allowing cars to push their way through crowds and putting protesters at serious risk of injury, and

WHEREAS, Rep. Aisha Gomez was present in solidarity with her constituents that night and intervened on their behalf with the MPD and Mayor Jacob Frey to halt the use of these tactics and demanded that the MPD control Trump supporters, at least one of whom brandished a gun at protesters, and

WHEREAS, Rep. Gomez has since been subject to threats and harassment after her actions were picked up and smeared by right-wing news outlets and social media,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Twin Cities DSA stands with Rep. Gomez and denounces the hateful attacks against her. The events surrounding the rally and protest were keenly illustrative of the operation of fascism and white supremacy in our community, with many MPD officers choosing to openly support a president who embodies these forces and many in the media and elected office allowing them to flourish under the banner of neutrality. We applaud the courage of Rep. Gomez and hold her actions as an example of what it looks like for an elected official to stand up for and with their constituents. 

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