Stop Line 3!




Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 expansion would be the lynchpin of the global tar sands transportation network. It would bind our economy to tar sands for decades, deepening our dependence on the most dirty and dangerous form of crude oil. And it is the latest threat to North America’s indigenous people in their centuries long struggle against colonization and environmental destruction.

Anishinaabe leaders in the Ginew Collective have put out a call to action to stop Line 3 — and Twin Cities DSA is in position to be vital allies. From August 16th-19th there will be a public action camp on Anishinaabe and Dakota land, where preconstruction on the pipeline is already underway.

This camp is hosted by Native organizers on the frontlines, and they’re inviting members of Twin Cities DSA to come in solidarity. Many of us have already contributed our labor and our passion to this fight, but this is a chance for new comrades to actively resist this devastating project.

To RSVP go here.

Action camps have been foundational in many successful liberation struggles. This camp will amplify our movement as we unite to stop Line 3.

This public action camp is an opportunity for comrades to come together, share skills, and get trained on decolonization, treaty rights, and how to resist the carceral state. Three meals per day will be provided and childcare is available upon request. Carpooling will be available, but please fill out the RSVP form so that transportation can be more easily organized. The action camp will also require deep woods camping, so pack accordingly with a sleeping bag, a tent and any basic camping needs. If you do not have access to these supplies, please let the organizers know when you RSVP. If you have questions about what to bring, please contact ecosocialism [at]

All with access to wealth and resources are encouraged to donate directly to Ginew. You can do so here. Your support helps us to continue putting on events like this one.

This is an open call to all who are committed to following Indigenous leadership in this struggle. Enbridge is building the necessary infrastructure for this pipeline right now — everything short of putting the pipelines in the ground. That means the time to intervene is now. Direct action is absolutely necessary to stop them.

To RSVP go here.

**Please note: the camp was blessed by Anishinaabe women and is a substance free space. Please leave all substances (non-prescription drugs and alcohol) at home.**

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