DSA Convention to Decide Future Membership in Socialist International




MEMBERSHIP NOTICE: The following topic will be discussed, debated, and voted upon during our next membership meeting in June. Members are encouraged to acquaint themselves with this topic. Thank you. – BM for the Operations Committee

FROM KIM JONES, Co-Chair – Twin Cities DSA, taken from recent communique to the Steering Committee.

There is a debate about whether DSA should continue its membership in the Socialist International (SI), which will be decided at the National Convention in August. In order to represent members as well as possible, the National Office has requested chapters to have a straw poll of members about this topic, sometime this month. Below you will find a pro-con statement from the National Office for your review. The Chapter will address this issue and conduct a straw poll at the membership meeting in June to assess membership opinion. Formal announcement of this important discussion and vote will be included in the required General Membership Meeting notice.

Modifications to the above text have been made to improve readability in a web-format, or to add context for a general membership and public audience.

Pro/Con Statements and Historical Assessment, from DSA National Office

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