Our annual member convention is on September 28th, see here for details and deadlines!

Starbucks Workers Face Down A Hostile Company




Starbucks management is turning up the heat. Faced with an expanding national movement by Starbucks workers to unionize (256 stores have won to date), Starbucks has been hitting back with firings, suspensions, constantly changing hours, store closures and safety infractions.

On Wednesday, October 26 the first bargaining session for 6 Minnesota unionized stores was supposed to have taken place. Starbucks attorneys showed up, but then abruptly left the room. Since then no further sessions have been held. Management’s strategy is one of delay and intimidation.

Starbucks workers need our help and the help of the entire labor movement. The first thing you can do is donate to their gofundme. The link is below. 


Second, if you are a member of a union, please raise this in your union meeting and with your coworkers and leadership. Ask for a donation and pave the way for support of upcoming actions. Third, these workers will be calling for visible, public support shortly. We’ll let you know the details as soon as we have them. A key part of bringing Starbucks to the table will be the degree to which we can produce public pressure. Stay tuned. 

– Kip H., Twin Cities DSA Co-chair